Monday, May 25, 2009

my ideas

hey folks,
the names georgios, and here's what I've been thinking:

1. How To Make Utopia Work: Consensus Based Organizing
This would be an intensive in which we would first briefly look at the history of consensus organizing and talk about ways of organizing our world in a more egalitarian way. we would then go over how consensus meetings work (or dont work) and from there we would form our own "community" through role-playing and try to govern it through consensus.
writing utensils
BIG sheet of paper
the ability to make a printed hand-out on consensus (between the office and the local library I should be able to do this, right?)

2. Arise, Zombie Vaudeville!

We'll talk briefly about what vaudeville is/the history of it, and then we'll brainstorm the acts/scenes that we want to do. from there we will construct zany props and sets from cardboard (there will be an epic raid on the cardboard recycling dumpster behind the dining hall) and then we'll practice with our cardboard to make a cohesive and crazy vaudeville performance.
sturdy and powerful but safe scissors
big sharpies
inexpensive paint
big sheets of paper for brainstorming

3. Holga Photography
we'll talk about what makes holga unique, basic camera structure and function, how to load film into a holga (this can be tricky), composition of a photograph, and then we'll rock out and take a bunch of pictures. I assume we already have the cameras, so all we really need is film. assuming the intensive is taught once each session, and we shoot a roll a day for the 5 week intensive, if Z is the number of cameras we have, we'd need Z x 10 rolls of film (is that right? I'm horrible at math, someone should correct me if I'm wrong). the cheapest 400 speed 120 film I can find is:
where do we get the photographs developed? I know we've done this in past years, but I don't know how we've done it.

4. Creative Writing
This could be a single class or an intensive. we would go over the role of storytellers and tricksters in society, traditional forms of creative writing, discuss ways of being creative outside of those traditional forms, maybe share some of our favorite (short) pieces by others, and then go to it. I'm hoping for fictional news broadcasts, predictions of the future, completely falsified lab reports, etc. in addition to your traditional poems, stories, and plays.
lots of decent pens
20 pads of paper

apart from that, I love sitting by the pool, walking in the woods and talking about nature, and dancing. I'm fine with being thrown into any activity that just needs someone else to help keep order/supervise.
please please please if any of you have experience in any of the things I'm teaching, do it with me!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Georgios! I'd love to help you with the creative writing class, sounds like you have some great ideas. Looking forward to seeing you!

