Thursday, July 2, 2009

Squirrels needed!

Hey yall! Chris here. Mike and I are teaching a hide tanning/primitive cooking intensive and we're going to need about 20 squirrels.. if any of you live in a state in which it's legal to kill squirrels in your yard, and you have a knack for/and/or enjoy hunting, any help would be great! Kind of a strange question, I know, but I figured I'd ask! If you get any, just chuck the whole thing in your freezer. Try for the head, we want as little holes in the hides as possible. Also keep in mind that kids will be around these so don't use your buck shot.. the less gruesome, the better :]


  1. I'm not being disrespectful or making fun but this ad put a smile on my face :)

    Good luck

  2. putting bird seed in the middle of a field works pretty well. It's kind of cheating, but it's kind of rough to get squirrels this time of year. What an amazingly funny post chris

  3. Hi Chris, So the higher ups at Omega Teen CAmp are questioning the safety of raw foods production so I'm afraid we may have to nixay the hide tanning although we do have a bunch of lovely knives. Perhaps they'll be good for carving chopsticks or something. Ay yi yi :-)

  4. I've still got the buffalo hide if you want it! maybe it'll fly swith the higher ups since it's not raw food preparation.

  5. what?? no! they're not going to eat the squirrels raw... we're going to cook them. there's really no difference between this and getting fish for them to prepare. my campers were really looking forward to it. georgio, that'd be great. i'm not sure if we'll have time but maybe we can work on it during staff week! working on a deer hide now, quite a project!
